Sensay & Kazm:

Digital Twins, Real Community

July 11, 2024

Sensay is revolutionizing digital interaction with AI-powered replicas that think, evolve, and engage autonomously. These digital twins preserve the essence of individuals, offering comfort to dementia patients, creating personalized fan experiences, and even serving as immortal teachers. But Sensay's ambition extends beyond AI technology - they're cultivating a decentralized ecosystem where users can create, interact with, and monetize their digital replicas. By integrating cutting-edge AI with Web3 capabilities, Sensay is not just developing technology; they're fostering a new kind of digital community where human and AI interactions blur the lines between the physical and digital worlds.

The Challenge: Engaging a Diverse Community

Sensay's vision spans an ambitious technological landscape, leveraging AI, blockchain, and community to create a revolutionary digital ecosystem. This includes creating and engaging with AI replicas in the Sensay app, subscription management through Stripe, community building in Discord and Telegram, social media engagement across Twitter, Instagram, Tiktok, as well as Web3 integrations for token-based rewards and transactions.

The challenge? How to leverage all these technologies while creating a cohesive customer journey - from discovery, to a user's first interaction with an AI replica, to becoming a paid subscriber, to a superfan participating in the community and holding tokens in Sensay's decentralized network.

"We've been using a variety of quest platforms for community engagement," Sensay founder Dan Thomson explained. "They provide a simple solution to engage the community through tasks and a structure for awarding benefits to the best-performing community members. However, integrating our platform activities into these systems was challenging."

Existing engagement tools were siloed and inflexible, unable to bridge the gap between first-party activations, social community building, and Web3 participation. This fragmentation made it difficult to guide users on a coherent journey.

Sensay needed a unified system that could:

Sensay needed to seamlessly connect all of these touchpoints and nurture community members from curious newcomers to customers to superfans and holders in their AI-driven ecosystem.

Kazm's Comprehensive Solution

Fortunately, Kazm’s comprehensive solution supports all of Sensay’s needs out-of-the-box. Unlike other platforms, Kazm offers seamless API integration for tracking first-party actions like creating AI replicas, built-in connections to major social platforms including Discord and Telegram, and native Web3 wallet connections with token-gated features. It also includes direct Stripe integration for rewarding paid subscribers and a customizable referral system. All these features come out-of-the-box on Kazm’s standard plans, requiring no additional coding, customizations, or third-party integrations. This allowed Sensay to quickly and efficiently implement a multi-channel engagement strategy, guiding users from their first interaction with an AI replica through to becoming active community members and token holders within a single, cohesive experience.

Implementation: Quick Setup, Powerful Results

One of the most impressive aspects of Kazm's solution was how quickly Sensay was able to get up and running.

“We found the process very straightforward. We created the tiers, then the quests, and then badges and rewards. Applying some of our branding and color schemes to the system meant it was ready to implement onto our site, and even embed neatly into our app.”

Quick and easy setup made it easy to get started engaging the Sensay community almost immediately.  They created tiers, quests, badges, and rewards, applied their branding, and connected their login system in a short timeframe, allowing the team to focus on crafting engaging experiences for their users rather than grappling with technical integrations.

User Journey: From Novice to Superfan

Using Kazm’s membership tiers, Sensay designed a leveled system that guides users from their first interaction with an AI replica to becoming active community members and token holders. The journey begins with the Novice tier, where users create their first AI replica. As they progress, they become Experts by connecting their social media accounts and email. The Master tier rewards paid subscribers, while Grandmasters engage deeply across multiple platforms, including Discord and Telegram, and participate in blockchain-based rewards. The highest tiers, Zen Master and Sensay, recognize the most dedicated community members and token holders.

This carefully crafted journey encourages and rewards each step, creating a clear path for user growth that aligns incentives across Sensay's ecosystem.

Future Vision

While still in its early stages, Sensay's partnership with Kazm has already shown promising results.

"Not having to send users to a separate website is definitely a bonus," the team observed. "It benefits them, us, our SEO, everything. It enables us to separate out reward hunters from genuine users and to track their usage better to improve our service overall."

Looking ahead, Sensay plans to leverage Kazm to support their ambitious goals for AI technology and community growth. They aim to refine their customer acquisition and retention strategies, introduce new quests aligned with evolving AI replica features, and expand their Web3 integration.

"It’s the best solution for us. We'll use it to refine our approach to attracting and retaining customers, and also to reward the best customers and users of our platform."

Sensay is building a community for the future - one that's not limited to a single platform, but engages everywhere and leverages many platforms and new technologies: AI, Web3, social media platforms, Discord, and beyond. Kazm has proven to be the one community engagement platform that can keep up with this next-generation customer journey, supporting Sensay's vision of a decentralized AI ecosystem of thriving human communities and their evolving digital replicas.

By partnering with Kazm, Sensay has found a solution that not only addresses their current community engagement challenges but also supports their ambitious vision for the future. As they continue to develop their AI technology and build their community, Kazm's platform will play a crucial role in guiding users through every stage of their journey with Sensay's revolutionary digital twins.

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